Designers were asked to use Engage to gather community feedback on their proposal. See that people said
For Stage 1, designers were asked to use Engage to gather community feedback on what they would like to see in the select site.
Here is your chance to provide design feedback to the designer. Please be respectiful.
The design focused on a human-centered experience. Pedestrian safety was a repeated feedback from the survey, the design creates a clear path using the red brick, this bright color will attract the eye additionally the color creates contrast against the asphalt and concrete. It also delineates a border for cars to stop in the traffic light. To further enhance safety, smaller street lighting were used to provide more visibility to pedestrians. In terms of the infrastructure, the road pot holes were eliminated with the newly paved road, while curbs were re-painted, along with upgraded traffic light. To create a sense of community, banners were used to highlight the Chevron community which creates a sense of place.