Donatella Giardinelli

Designer's Choice Award

Entry ID: 1082
Voting Starts: Jul 12, 2024

Voting Ends: Jul 19, 2024

Winners Announced: Jul 22, 2024

Community Feedback

Designers were asked to use Engage to gather community feedback on their proposal. See that people said

For Stage 1, designers were asked to use Engage to gather community feedback on what they would like to see in the select site.

Here is your chance to provide design feedback to the designer. Please be respectiful.

Designer's Statement

The selected work is "La Fábrica," one of Ricardo Bofill's most iconic creations. This building, a former cement factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, was discovered by chance. This project demonstrates that a creative architect can transform any space for a new function, regardless of how different it may be from its original purpose. Architecture is constantly evolving based on needs, eliminating predetermined uses.

Designer's Choice Award

Entry ID: 1082
Voting Starts: Jul 12, 2024

Voting Ends: Jul 19, 2024

Winners Announced: Jul 22, 2024